We want every believer in our church to have their decision to follow Jesus be celebrated and confirmed through water baptism. Baptism is a powerful action of obedience and repentance in someone's life, and we want to celebrate it like the major decision it is! Not only is baptism an outward expression a person's decision to follow Jesus, it is a physical act of obedience and repentance, turning from a life of sin in opposition to God to receive his righteousness and forgiveness so we can have eternal life with him.



  • A: Your decision to get baptized isn’t based on understanding the entirety of God and the Bible. It’s based on your decision to follow Jesus.

  • A: There is something supernatural that takes place in baptism. God gives us power to overcome, the power to “clean-up,” our lives. He knows that we are not able to cleanse our hearts on our own. That is why He died on the cross. As we are baptized, our old ways of living are buried. The chains that held us in bondage are broken. We are set free to live a new life through the same power that raised Christ from the dead.

  • A: Baptism as a baby is a symbol of the parents asking God to watch over the child and help them in raising that little one. The baptism we are talking about, and God describes in the New Testament is a choice that we make. We are choosing to identify with Christ Jesus and live in a loving relationship with Him for the rest of our lives.

  • A: Yes! Baptism declares your identity in Christ. You are recommitting your life to Him and saying, I once again “I am burying my old life and receiving the new life you intend for me.”