Here at Antioch, we believe that church is way more than what happens on Sunday mornings. Church is people, and it’s more about a people following Jesus together rather than a time or place. One of the main ways we cultivate this is through our LifeGroups.
A LifeGroup is a group of people devoted to following Jesus together by doing what we see the early believers doing in Acts 2:42:
“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”
Yes, we really do gather on a weekly basis in homes throughout the city. And each week we really do take communion together, fellowship, pray for one another, and read/discuss God’s Word. And yes…we really do want you to join one! We believe this kind of community is important, which is why our groups meet year-round.
If you would like some help getting connected to a LifeGroup, please complete the form below by clicking the button below and we’ll be in touch.
Maybe you want to start a LifeGroup
If you want to be a part of gathering your friends and others to do Acts 2:42, then you might want to start a LifeGroup and we’d love to help you get started!