Antioch Kids exists to partner with families in making disciples of kids at church and at home.
In AKids we like to say “there is no junior holy spirit”. That’s because we believe the same God at work reconciling the world to himself also wants to work in our children’s lives. On Sunday mornings your child will step into a safe and fostering environment where our incredible Disciple Maker team will teach our kids the Gospel story of scripture, how to love its Author, and how to live out their part in the ongoing Gospel story.
Click on your child’s age group below to learn more about what we do on Sundays!
Our aim is to create a space where our youngest kids’ needs our met, and they can experience God’s presence through prayer and worship. These aged kids are in AKids for the full Sunday service. We ask that you bring a diaper (or diaper bag) and labeled sippy cup for your child in these classes!
This age has fun activities in both large and small group, times to focus on some big pictures of Biblical truth, and experiences God by worshipping and praying together. These aged kids are in AKids for the full Sunday service. We ask that you bring a labeled, covered cup filled with water for your child in these classes!
Our elementary-age kids experience God and get to be discipled by our church by participating in Family Worship in the sanctuary for the beginning of service. Then back in the classrooms, we facilitate large and small group activities. We focus on a Big Picture Question and Answer that tells them more about who God is and what we believe from the Bible. We suggest that your child brings a Bible each week!

Check-in begins at 9:45am. When you walk into church, on your right will be the kids Check-in area. Head to the “First Time Guest” area where one of our friendly volunteers will assist you. Both you and your child will receive a sticker with matching security codes and the name of his/her classroom (the parent security sticker is required to pick your child up at the end of the service). Someone from our AKids check-in team will then walk you and your child to the appropriate classroom to drop off your child.
Kids can only be picked up with your unique parent security sticker.
All Kids areas are monitored by a member of our safety team.
Each staff member and committed volunteer has been carefully screened and trained to maintain a safe environment and have established emergency protocols.
Any other questions before attending?
Please contact our Kids Ministry (kids@antiochindy.com) and a staff member will answer your questions and help in any way they can!

Christine Hynds | AKids Director
Mindi Kotynski | AKids Curriculum Coordinator