I grew up in church, my parents always loved God, and I went to a Christian school my whole life— I’ve always known about Jesus. Jesus was great. After all, He loves me— this I know, for the Bible tells me so.
But so what? What does that even mean? And what does it really have to do with anything that relates to my life?
I remember waking up one morning and for the first time having an honest look at my life. I didn’t like what I saw. The outside of my life wasn’t too bad, it actually looked really good, but the inside was a mess. To put things simply, I knew I was empty and that I had no way of doing anything about it on my own.
That morning I knew I had a decision to make: I could keep living my life the way I was living it or I could give my life to Jesus. I could really follow him, and see what he would do with me.
I decided I was going to try following Jesus. And as I began to let him into my life I began to see that…
If Jesus really is alive…
If Jesus really does heal…
If Jesus really does love…
If Jesus really is who he said he is…
Then all of this doesn’t just change what I do on Sunday mornings, he doesn’t just change the language I use, or affect some of the decisions I make in my life.
Have you met Jesus? Have you seen Jesus? Do you know Jesus?
He is alive. He is good. He does love you. And he’s better than you think.
Whoever you are or aren’t, whatever you’ve done or not done, I just want to invite you to meet Jesus. I know that a lot of stupid things have been done by people who use his name -I’ve done some stupid stuff too- and you probably have a lot of questions -I have a lot of questions too- but just come and see. Get to know him for who he really is and see what happens.
-Andrew Znachko